10/27/2024 - Creating A Step-By-Step End-To-End Database Server-Side Blazor Application (updated to .Net 9)
The primary benefit we have when using server-side Blazor is that we do not have to make web http calls from the client code to the server code. This reduces the code we need to write and eliminates many security concerns. In this article, we will demonstrate how a list of Weather forecasts can be added to the database by each user. A user will only have the ability to see their own forecasts. Use SQL Server The new project template in Visual Studio will allow yo
6/27/2024 - Using a Blazor Excel Datasheet To Update A Database
Most business applications involve viewing, updating, and deleting data. To facilitate these actions developers using spend a lot of time and money creating forms. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use an Excel-like data editor control within a Blazor application, to update a SQL database, eliminating the need to create forms. The Application Download the application from: https://github.com/ADefWebserver/BlazorDatasheet Note: This project is for
5/27/2024 - Using OpenAI to Update A Blazor Excel Worksheet
Watch the YouTube vide at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKNHlM6GdCc What happens when you combine Microsoft Blazor with a new cutting-edge open source data editor and the latest Open AI 4o model? In this blog post, we’ll explore how the OpenAI LLM model can be used to update an Excel-like data editor control within a Blazor application. We can use AI to update data based on rules it infers from data edits you make. The Application &n
3/24/2024 - Blazor WebAssembly Virtual File System Access
Blazor WebAssembly allows you to access the virtual file system in the web browser. This allows you to use the standard C# file system code to create directories and read and write files. The only disadvantage is that the directories and files disappear when the web browser is refreshed. In this article we will demonstrate how to zip up any directories and files and store them in LocalStorage that will persist between web browser sessions. We will also add code that will detect whe
1/15/2024 - Godot Github Source Control
This explains how to use Github with Godot . Open a Godot 4 file and select Version Control/Create Version Control metadata… Select Git then OK . Go to https://Github.com and create a repository. ( Note: Due to a limitation with the plug-in you have to make the default branch called “master” (huge sigh)) Create a PAT by going here: https://github.com/settings/tokens Select classic token .